Frequently Asked Questions!
Where is Pharmacy24 located? Can I visit your pharmacy?
Pharmacy24 is located in Vancouver, Abbotsford, Chilliwack. You can visit us anytime you like.
How long to get my medication?
We deliver your medication early to avoid any delays. Your package will be delivered in 1-5 business days depending on your location.
What are the benefits of Online Pharmacy (Pharmacy24 over a local storefront pharmacy?)
At Pharmacy24 you don’t have to wait in lines that definitely cost you time. Your medication is delivered to you and our advisors are 24 hours available to assist you.
How much does the signup cost?
Signup with Pharmacy24 is free. You can avail our services for free. We deliver free at all of our locations.
Is it necessary to signup for a long-term?
No. You can cancel your signup anytime you want. We will coordinate with you.
Are there any kind of medications Pharmacy24 don’t provide?
Pharmacy24 do not provide controlled and targeted substances, vaccinations or veterinarian products and narcotics. You will have to opt for your local area pharmacy for such medications.
How is my medication sorted by you?
Our pharmacists get in touch with you for consultation and review your medical history, your preferences and your medication time. Once the consultation is complete, they sort your medicine dose by dose with easy to read and easy to open with Pharmacy automation technology.
Do you provide medication as per my prescription?
Yes. We strictly follow your doctor prescribed prescription.
Can I reach out for my unused medicine disposal?
Yes, You can reach out to Pharmacy24 for recycle of unused and expired medicines.
How long does it take to renew my prescriptions?
The renewal of your prescription is done in 1-2 business days. We will keep you updated and reach out if there are any delays.